Rebel!Refuse!Resist! – Innenansichten aus der Black Power- und der Antikriegsbewegung während und nach dem Vietnamkrieg.
Fr. 6.04. 18.00 Uhr Speaking Event with Darnell Stephen Summers at The Clearing Barrrel Richard-Wagner-Str.48 KL/ 22.30 "The Black Power Mixtape" Union Kino Kerststr.
(Movie Tickets available in The Clearing Barrel)
Event from Military Counseling Network e.V. & Kultur Ohne Kommerz e.V.
Darnell Stephen Summers was born on July 9th, 1947 in Detroit. Darnell
Stephen Summers volunteered for the US Army and served from 1966 to
Darnell was stationed in Heidelberg and then in Kasierlautern at Kleber Kaserne with the 440th Signal Battalion. While there, Darnell became involved in many protests and was in K-Town when Martin Luther King was assassinated in the US. That murder sparked a lot of protest in his unit and Darnell helped organize the rebellion. He was given the choice by his Company commander to either volunteer to go to Viet Nam or go to jail. Shortly after "volunteering" he got orders to report to a unit in Viet Nam. While home on leave before going to Vietnam in 1968 he became involved in
the struggle to found the "Malcolm X Cultural Center (MXCC) in Inkster
Michigan, a suburb of Detroit and was one of the spokespersons for the "MXCC" 1971 he became a member of "Vietnam Veterans Against The War" and was instrumental in organizing the "STOP THE WAR BRIGADE" in Germany during the Gulf war to build support for anti-war GIs
Darnell was stationed in Heidelberg and then in Kasierlautern at Kleber Kaserne with the 440th Signal Battalion. While there, Darnell became involved in many protests and was in K-Town when Martin Luther King was assassinated in the US. That murder sparked a lot of protest in his unit and Darnell helped organize the rebellion. He was given the choice by his Company commander to either volunteer to go to Viet Nam or go to jail. Shortly after "volunteering" he got orders to report to a unit in Viet Nam. While home on leave before going to Vietnam in 1968 he became involved in
the struggle to found the "Malcolm X Cultural Center (MXCC) in Inkster
Michigan, a suburb of Detroit and was one of the spokespersons for the "MXCC" 1971 he became a member of "Vietnam Veterans Against The War" and was instrumental in organizing the "STOP THE WAR BRIGADE" in Germany during the Gulf war to build support for anti-war GIs
Unser Gast Darnell Stephen Summers wurde 1947 in Detroit in den USA
geboren und war Ende der 60er-Jahre als Soldat unter anderem in der
Kleber-Kaserne in Kaiserslautern stationiert. Von hier aus wurde er,
unter der Drohung sonst als Aufständiger innerhalb der US-Army
inhaftiert zu werden nach Vietnam geschickt. Er war auch in den USA
innerhalb der Black Power Bewegung aktiv und gehört seit seiner
Armeezeit der Bewegung gegen Rassismus und von den USA angezettelte
Kriege an. 1968 während eines Heimaturlaubs vor der Einberufung nach
Vietnam war er an der Gründung des “Malcolm X Cultural Center” (MXCC) in
Inkster/ Michigan beteiligt und wurde einer deren Sprecher. Dieses
Zentrum diente u.a. als Treffpunkt der Detroiter Sektion der Black
Panther Party. 1971 nach seiner Entlassung wurde er Mitglied der
„Vietnam Veterans against the War“ und gründete in den 90ern die „Stop
the War Brigade“ gegen den zweiten Golfkrieg.
Er kann als politischer Aktivist interessante Eindrücke aus der Zeit
des Films vermitteln und darüber Berichten welche Erfahrungen er, als
in Kaiserslautern stationierter schwarzer US-Soldat und Aktivist in den
USA gesammelt hat. Wir versprechen einen informativen und spannenden
Einstieg vor dem Latewatchers -Film „The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 um 22:30Uhr